Reimagining the Sector - Fiscal sponsors--and capacity builders in general--are poorly supported by the funding sector, leading to chronic under-capitalization and thin operating margins. The same can be said of our sponsored projects. This reality has never felt more acute than the present, with the pandemic still raging and additional government relief yet unclear.
Sources of timely working capital, bridge funding, innovation capital, and recovery capital are scarce and often not available from timely and responsive sources. It’s time for us to look at responsible and impactful ways in which debt can be used by us and our projects. Might fiscal sponsors hold a key to unlocking and better managing more loan and grant-based capital for the sector? We think so.
In this session we will explore with participants:
How do you access capital for your work and your projects’ work?
Beyond PPP, has debt ever been part of the equation? If not, why not?
What are some of the challenges to developing more loan-based capital for our sector?
How can we as fiscal sponsors help create more responsive capital solutions?
We will be joined by special guest, Marc Rand of American Nonprofits, a new “small-cap” lender in the nonprofits space that is charting new territory and discussing a partnership with Social Impact Commons.
This is a Member event. Become a Member.