Research & Readings
Below please find research and readings related to fiscal sponsorship and nonprofit infrastructure sharing beginning with our Fiscal Sponsor Field Scan Report
This is the first national fiscal sponsorship field scan in seventeen years, led by Social Impact Commons in collaboration with the National Network of Fiscal Sponsors. This field scan gathered data from 100 fiscal sponsors nationwide with the aim to establish a baseline of understanding of the fiscal sponsorship landscape today and a basis for continued research and advocacy to:
Empower fiscal sponsors and their allies to be stronger advocates for the resources that sponsors need to be more impactful and sustainable.
Build the case for the funding community to encourage direct investment in fiscal sponsors and create more supportive funder policies, practices, and partnerships.
Study the operating practices and needs of fiscal sponsors in order to guide the continued development of fiscal sponsorship practice as well as investment in the field.
This research was undertaken primarily for the benefit of fiscal sponsors of all models, both aspiring and established, and philanthropy, addressing the following questions:
What are the basic dimensions of the fiscal sponsor ecosystem?
What are the communities supported by fiscal sponsors?
What is the capacity of the field, its practices, and what are current capacity challenges?
Additional Research:
Strengthening and Supporting the Enabling Infrastructure for Collaborative Funds (Ganguli Associates, 2024)
The Social Sector Infrastructure - Defining and Understanding the Concept (Urban Institute, 2023)
Working with Intermediaries Strategically (Gibson C & Mottola M, RWJF, 2023)
2006 Fiscal Sponsorship Field Scan (Tides Center, 2006)
Mapping Baltimore’s Fiscal Sponsorship Landscape (J. Denlinger Consulting and The Racial Equity Asset Lab, 2021)
Powerful & Proximate: Fueling the Dreams of Grassroots Organizations through Fiscal Sponsorship (Washington, DC field scan, Equivolve Consulting, 2022)
Reports, Position Papers & Other Writings
Blogs and Articles (co)authored by Social Impact Commons are found here. Additionally we share the following resources and writings authored by third parties:
Reimagining the Philanthropic Resource Chain: Lessons from Fiscal Sponsorship and Intermediary Funds (So, Phoebe, Center for Effective Philanthropy, 2024)
Fiscal Sponsorship: A Balanced Overview (Takagi, Gene, Nonprofit Quarterly, 2020)
Reimagining Fiscal Sponsorship in Service of Equity (TSNE, 2021)
Leveraging Fiscal Sponsorship for Racial Equity (New Venture Fund, 2021)
Centering Equity in Intermediary Relationships (Change Elemental, 2020)
A White Paper: On Comprehensive Fiscal Sponsorship (Sattely, Josh/TSNE, 2009)
Fiscal Sponsorship: 6 Ways to Do It Right (Colvin & Petit/SF Study Center, 3rd Edition, 2019)
Shared Platform Guidebook (Ontario Nonprofit Network)