Commons Workshop
Cost: $2.5K - $5K
Depending on number of participants and logistics costs
3 to 6-hour facilitated workshop about fiscal sponsorship practices.*
Serves as an intro to Discovery and Design, or as a stand-alone event.
Participants: 6-10 stakeholders stakeholders representing board, staff, and constituents.
Method: Presentation, discussion and group visioning activities.
Collaborative Program Design
Cost: $15K - $25K
Depending whether single (low) participant organization or cohort driven (high)
1 to 3-month process with final Planning Report deliverable.**
Serves as a mutual discernment and work scoping exercise.
Participants: 6-10 stakeholders stakeholders representing board, staff, and constituents.
Method: Iterative process using a specialized Design Canvas tool and Pattern Reference Book covering patterns of practice in fiscal sponsorship and commoning.
Basic Membership
Cost: .5% - 1% of Revenue
For each Network Member organization, plus initial implementation support.
Network Member ongoing support, 24-month renewable terms.
Basic Membership includes:
• 4 hours/mo. of flex coaching
• Tool library access
• Peer learning programs
• Impact/performance assessment
• Board/staff training
A Member Agreement may begin with implementing the work from the Design Process, which may entail additional supports (cost) above Basic Membership.
Enhanced Supports
Cost: a la carte
Flexible each Network Member organization, depending on evolving needs
Falls under Network Membership, may be changed every 6 months.
Enhanced Services include:
• Enterprise platform licenses
• HR, finance, legal packets of hours
• Special project or strategy support
• Temp bookkeeping support
• Leadership transition support
These supports are additional to Basic Membership and allow for Network Members to tailor their supports to needs and make regular adjustments.
(*) The Commons Workshop, by itself, is optional. It is also an integral part of the Collaborative Design discovery process.
(**) This can be a valuable, stand-alone planning exercise, regardless of whether an organization becomes a Basic Member. For some potential Members already practicing fiscal sponsorship, this step may be accomplished through a more targeted consulting scope and engagement with our team.