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Wage & Wealth Equity: Contractors vs. Employees - A Matter of Social Justice

Fiscal sponsors, in particular “Model A” practitioners, manage a wide range of employee and contractor relationships, balancing the needs of “internal” staff with those of sponsored projects.

As we work toward greater equity and justice in our sector, we need to address the frequent myths and misconceptions surrounding the independent contractor and employee relationship. This topic is all the more urgent given the growing regulatory oversight being applied by states to these relationships.

Join us for a conversation about the mechanics, myths, misconceptions, and matters of fact surrounding the everyday question: “Is this an employee or contractor, and why does the answer matter?” We will be joined for this chat by human resources consultant Rodney Byrd.

July 29

Building the Case for Fiscal Sponsorship - An Update on the Common Impact Initiative

September 9

Enterprise Accounting for Sponsors: The Case for Sage Intacct